Monica and I had the most spontaneous day we've had so far. We decided to have a small picnic at the San Leandro Marina, but to do that we had to buy ingredients and such at Walmart. We bought $40+ worth of tools, supplies, and food. We made our way back to her house to make the sandwiches and prepare the picnic basket. In total, we had three monster sandwiches, which were delicious, and gathered tons and tons of snacks and drinks. We also decided to bring along Dexter, Monica's dog, with us because we didn't want to leave him alone at home.

When we got to the park we feasted and gave Dexter a walk. Surprisingly, it was a bit chilly but we didn't mind that. Monica decided to spray paint her long board white and add some faux flowers and rocks on the bottom, which was pretty cool. While she was doing that, I walked around a bit and took some photographs of the view.

By sunset, we decided to leave. We gathered our stuff, headed to Monica's house, and ate dinner. Afterward we went to Alameda High with Monica's dad and brother and watched the women's varsity basketball game. I finally saw Fiona after months of not seeing her, haha! We played Hercules and we won by 20+ points. I also saw Gelly and Alicia and Justin and Linh and other peeps and goons.